Monday, March 12, 2018

March 11, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

New subscriber? Howdy! Everyone else? 😉

One of my hobbies is taking sunrise photos. I was blessed on Friday, March 09, 2018, to capture the following photo. I was standing on my deck about twenty minutes after sunrise.

The low angle of the sun's rays created amazing shadows on the drifted fresh snow on frozen Lake Winnisquam here in central New Hampshire.

As you might imagine the photo only captures part of the magnificence had you been here with me in person. Lady the dog and I were speechless watching it unfold in slow motion.

sunrise lake winniquasm nh
Podcast #2 Ready For You

If you're a new subscriber, I just reinvigorated my radio career. Go back in time to April,1994. That's when I started a two-hour call-in home improvement live radio show in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was lots of fun solving homeowner problems over the phone.

The show lasted twelve years. I hung up my headphones because I got burned out waking up at 4:15 am to get to the studio.

Six weeks ago, my good friend Chuck Eglinton reached out to me and suggested I put my headphones back on.

"Tim, it's time to start a podcast," I believe he said. He had a list of reasons why it made good sense.

You might wonder,

"Tim, what's a podcast?"

Simple. A podcast is on-demand radio. You get to listen to FREE shows of mine on your computer, tablet, phone or ??? when it's convenient for YOU.

AsktheBuilder Podcast 2

Chuck and I upload a new podcast each Friday. You can subscribe to them if you want so they automagically show up on your phone or tablet. You'll see those buttons on the podcast page.

Podcast 2 starts off with me calling Al. He's got an interior staircase he's rebuilding. He needed advice about how to attach the new oak treads and risers.

 ask the builder podcast
The second call is to Jeff out in Colorado. Jeff and his family suffer from a vexing sewer gas problem at his mountain get-away cabin. His builder and plumber have tried to solve the problem for a year.

In less than ten minutes, I shared with Jeff what was causing his problem. A corner-cutting builder or lazy plumber is your clue.

The podcast ends with a story about a young carpenter's first encounter with crown molding. I think you'll love that story!

SPOILER ALERT: Beginning with podcast 3 and beyond, there will be three shorter phone calls to keep the pace of the podcast moving a little faster.

CLICK HERE to listen to the second Ask the Builder podcast.

Remember, it's FREE! NO COST to listen!

Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page with any suggestions or ideas.

What Book I Just Finished

I used to share with you the latest book I had just finished reading. For some reason I've not been doing that.

I've got a great one for you!

I thank my lucky stars that I majored in geology in college. It really helped me be a better builder.

I had a deep interest in ground water and took a course in hydrogeology. That knowledge allowed me to build houses with bone-dry basements.

That course of study has also allowed me to help tens of thousands of people like you to STOP WATER from entering your basement or crawlspace.

All you need is to install one of my Linear French Drains to stop water from entering your basement or crawlspace.

I show you how to install one in this DVD of mine. Every person who's followed my simple instructions has had success.

How would you like to read a book that explains, in simple language you can understand, all the geologic wonders of the western USA from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the Front Range of the Rockies in Colorado?

It's all in Rough Hewn Land - an AMAZING book!

rough hewn land
Keith Heyer Meldahl, the author, tells you how gold is formed in the cracks of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

You discover how in a few million years Las Vegas is probably going to be an ocean-front resort city. No kidding!

One of my favorite parts of the book is Appendix 1. It's about Deep Time. If you're not a geologist, you'll find this part of the book mind-blowing.

CLICK HERE here to download a FREE SAMPLE of Keith's Rough Hewn Land.

Insulate Your Garage Door

This morning, I was revising some of my past garage door columns. It's important for you to remember that you must NEVER EVER think about adjusting the spring(s) that lifts your door. NEVER EVER remove any hardware or cables.

You can get seriously injured if you unleash the enormous stored energy in the wound springs.

I put links inside the revised columns for a neat DIY insulation kit for your garage door. If your garage was cold this winter, or it gets BLAZING HOT in the summer, this kit may be the ticket.

CLICK HERE to see all the different kits you can use in your garage.

garage door insulation kit
Listen To Ask the Builder Columns

Nope, you didn't misread that headline.

Would you do me a huge favor?

Please go look at this column that contains great tips on how to ensure your small engine will start EVERY TIME on the first pull.

Right at the top under the bullet-point list is an audio player. Click the round orange circle play button. Listen for a few minutes or more.

CLICK HERE to see this amazing technology that can read my columns to you.

Yes, you can LISTEN to that small engine care column. I'm just testing this technology for now on this ONE COLUMN.

If I get enough positive feedback, I'll very likely wave a magic wand so you can listen to EVERY Ask the Builder column.

After you listen to that one column, would you please take this short survey for me? If you take the survey, you might end up getting lots of cool new content.

CLICK HERE for the short survey.

That's enough for today.

Be SURE to leave a comment at the bottom of the podcast 2 page letting me know what you think.

Tim Carter
Founder -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post March 11, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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