Monday, March 19, 2018

March 17, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

New subscriber? Welcome! Not new? Thanks for sticking around!

Kathy, the kids, and I want to thank you again for all your warm and heartfelt sentiments in this very difficult time for us. If you've subscribed since this past Tuesday, you're unaware that we had to send Lady the Dog back to Heaven.

I created that page for a number of reasons. If you visited the page on Tuesday or Wednesday morning, it's much different now. There are many more photos, memories and a song.

New Radio Show For You

Moments ago, I concluded a phone call with my very good friend Dan. He's so very smart about many things. Dan's been receiving my newsletter for over ten years.

ask the builder podcast 3

"Tim, don't use the word podcast with your subscribers. It's scary. Also, please just tell your subscribers to go to your website and click the play button on the player page. It's easy, it's fast and they don't need to do anything but sit back and laugh."

Good point Dan! How about calling it my new radio show since I do use radio waves to make it happen! In case you're a new subscriber, I'm a licensed amateur radio operator - W3ATB.

I use WiFi radio waves to do every aspect of the show!

How about you follow Dan's suggestion? CLICK HERE and have a listen. I guarantee you'll be amazed.

Oh, here's the BEST PART!!! DUH! I almost forgot to tell you.

When you CLICK HERE, not only do you get to listen to the show, but you also get to see ALL the photos of what I'm talking about!

Wait, there's more! I also have lots of other LINKS there for extra FREE information about what I'm talking about.

Here's what's in it for you when you listen to my latest new radio show:

  • I talk with Vic about how to save perhaps $5000 by doing a concrete overlay on his patio.
  • I chat with Tracey about where she can get traditional stair parts
  • I share with Sandy about how she'll never have to repaint her brick home again: CLUE: Tom Sawyer
  • I recall a story about how I avoided getting paralyzed by falling 20 feet to the ground.

New Building Technologies Conference

I was in Portland, Maine on Thursday attending a very cool construction conference. Lots of stuff I knew, but there was some great information shared about:

  • vapor barriers MUST BE installed under all concrete slabs that are in ANY building - CLICK HERE for BEST ONE
  • concrete should be in direct contact with the vapor barrier
  • new emerging trend is to put solid foam insulation on the exterior walls of home plus traditional fiberglass batts in the walls
  • repeated wet/dry cycles on exposed OSB panels GREATLY reduces their shear strength

I'll be sharing more of what I discovered in future columns so watch for those.

Roofing Ripoff Book 50% OFF SALE

Last year, I published my expose' book about WHY your asphalt shingles are falling apart.

While researching the book, I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions react with asphalt molecules and prevent cross-linking.

Cross-linking is what causes asphalt to get brittle. When that happens, the colored granules come off, the shingles curl, and they crack.

roofing ripoff
But what if I told you that you can add some THIN copper to the top of your roof and significantly SLOW the deterioration of your shingles?

Adding the copper to a new, or newer, asphalt shingle roof can make the roof last 40, or more, years!!!!

I share in the book the best copper to get, how to install it, etc.

CLICK HERE to watch a video of me installing the copper.

You can now get a PDF electronic INSTANT DOWNLOAD copy of my book for LESS than $10.

It's an easy read. It's got GREAT COLOR PHOTOS, including the roof where I made the discovery about the copper!!!

CLICK HERE and use the following promo code to get 50% off Roofing Ripoff.


This sale lasts only ONE WEEK. I doubt you'll ever get a better price than this. That promo code WILL EXPIRE next Sunday March 25th.

If you don't feel my book's worth it after getting it, just email me for a FULL REFUND.

If you want to read the first three chapters of Roofing Ripoff for FREE, CLICK HERE.

Stain Solver 9 Pound News

We finally have the 9-pound size of Stain Solver in stock.

Are you a new subscriber? Stain Solver is a product Kathy and I own/invented.

It's a certified organic oxygen bleach.

CLICK HERE if you LOVE the 9-pound size. We only made just under 7,000 pounds, and I guarantee you it won't last long.

You do NOT have to buy just the 9-pound size. You can buy anything your heart desires.

I just want you to know that there's a LIMITED NUMBER of the 9-pounders and when they're gone I can't tell you when they'll be back in stock.

Good luck. I hope we don't run out before you decide to pull the trigger.

That's enough for today. I'm starting to think too much about Lady the Dog.

Thanks once again for all your kind words about our loss.

Tim Carter
Founder -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post March 17, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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