Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

On Thursday night, I'm scheduled to give a talk at my local library. I've known the head librarian, Erin, for quite a few years.

CLICK HERE and scroll down to April 12th to see what I'm talking about. It's going to be a fun hour for sure! If you live within striking distance - a few hours drive, it may be worth it for you to come listen.

There are plenty of great places to stay overnight with GREAT off-season rates. We can have breakfast the next morning if you do come. Let me know ASAP.

Rediscovering Oldies But Goldies

I've now been doing my FREE on-demand radio show for seven weeks. I call homeowners just like you to solve a problem. Just yesterday, I talked with Susan about how to deal with a gap between her cement backer board and cast-iron tub.

A secondary BENEFIT of me doing the show is I'm rediscovering articles and videos I've forgotten about!

For example, a few days ago I talked with Steve about how to solve a leak in his shower. He needs to install a custom small flashing pan made from self-adhesive stainless steel foil.

exterior door installation
While on the call, I REMEMBERED that I had a video showing how to use a similar material to FORM the outside corners so the flashing is waterproof.

CLICK HERE to watch this somewhat funny video of me installing a new exterior door. You'll love it when I start to hammer in nails.

Fixing A Slow-Flush Old Toilet

This past weekend I talked with Steve. He's had an old toilet in his home that for YEARS - I mean many years - has not flushed right.

His wife has the patience of Job, and it paid off. I asked him if it was possible to shoot video of the toilet and by gosh he did!

I instantly saw the problem and within 24 hours Steve had the toilet flushing almost like new. Here's a screenshot of the toilet AFTER he followed my advice.

slow flush toilet
It's important to realize that not only did I get the toilet flushing properly, but I also made the inside of the toilet bowl look like NEW. Steve and his wife had been plagued with some nasty stains they couldn't remove.

CLICK HERE and read the top of this column to see what I told Steve to do. In his case, I told him to let the solution work for hours, not minutes.

School Speaker Invitation & Something Else

Two days ago, I received an invitation from Chantell Mason to speak to her 6th-grade science students. They're about 1,400 miles away from me so we're going to do it using Google Hangouts. It's a live video chatting platform that pipes me into the classroom and the kids into my office.

Chantell has them doing a project about building a new school and she discovered my past column about building on rocky soil.

What's this have to do with you? Do you work in a school?

Are you a teacher? Perhaps you want to do what Chantell is doing. If so, let me know.

Here's the funny thing. As soon as I said to Chantell, "Heck yes I'd LOVE to help your kids!", I made the craziest connection in my head about schools and Stain Solver.

Over the past year, a school system in Anaheim, CA has purchased HUNDREDS of pounds of Stain Solver to use as a safe cleaner around their kids.

CLICK HERE to see what school and a copy of their LAST ORDER.

Can you help Kathy and I get the news out to as many schools as possible? The folks out in Anaheim want the BEST and SAFEST cleaner used around their kids. That's why they purchase Stain Solver.

Help protect your kids, grandkids or ???? Share this page with anyone you know who's a teacher, works in a daycare center or school.

Installing PEX Piping

I had another call this past weekend with Gary. He's got some suspect plastic piping in his home that's got a history of springing leaks.

I suggested he consider installing PEX piping and then remembered I had this great VIDEO showing HOW EASY & FAST it is to make connections!

connect pex

CLICK HERE to WATCH the short video. You need to scroll down the page to see it.

That's enough for a Tuesday.

Please help us get the word out to as many SCHOOLS as possible about Stain Solver. It's a win-win-win for all involved.

Can you believe how many 50-pound buckets that school in Anaheim purchased? WOWZA!!!! And that's their second order!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Co-Founder - www.StainSolver.com
Amateur Radio Nut - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post April 10, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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