Friday, May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018 AsktheBuilder RANT

Are you a new subscriber? You're in for a treat today. Rare rant time!!!

Veteran? Holy Tomato - you'll know my knickers are in a knot.

New Privacy Policy

Imagine you live in a peaceful large thriving city called Blotonati that has its own laws and regulations.

Far far away from Blotonati, across the sea, is a smaller hamlet named Mordorshire that has it's own rules and regulations. One day though, the people that control the lives of the residents of Mordorshire decide to pass a new rule that says:

"If any resident of Mordorshire goes on a journey and stops by any shop or home in Blotonati, those people in Blotonati have to be nice to the Mordorshire resident. They also have to promise to forget the name of the Mordorshire resident if that's what the Mordorshire resident wants and desires. Furthermore, if the Blotonati people don't follow this rule, they can be fined $10,000,000."

If you lived or ran a business in Blotonati wouldn't you be pissed? After all, you stay and live in Blotonati. You didn't travel to Mordorshire! They came to you.

Why do the laws of Mordorshire, where you don't live nor work, have anything to do with the way you run your life or business in Blotonati?

Granted, if you traveled to Mordorshire, it's expected that you obey their rules and laws WHILE YOU'RE IN Mordorshire.

Well guess what?

Today is the day that the new European GDPR laws go into effect and these oppressive regulations have sent a SHOCK WAVE through the USA Internet business community. is a USA Internet business and I must comply.

There are HUNDREDS of articles about the GDPR regulations, many of them dipped in their own bias and spin. CLICK HERE to read an article from the UK's Sun publication about GDPR.

Now, do you want to LAUGH?

Then CLICK HERE and read the changes at the top of my own Privacy Policy.

Those privacy policy changes extend to this newsletter.

If you don't want me to maintain any of your information like your name, your email address, your INVISIBLE non-trackable responses to my games, surveys and who-knows-what, then by all means unsubscribe. The unsubscribe link is at the bottom of every issue of this newsletter.

Rhetorical question of the day: How long will it be before all us USA citizens have to fill out a form to get permission to flush our toilets?

CLICK HERE to register your answer and to leave any comments about the European GDPR regulations.


The LE Johnson Story

You need to know something VERY IMPORTANT.

LE Johnson is a fantastic company based in northern Indiana. They make, in my opinion, the BEST hardware for pocket, sliding, by-pass, etc. doors.

I've used LE Johnson products in my own home for decades and on all my jobs.

Why? I discovered decades ago that it PAYS to put quality parts and supplies in so I don't have angry customers and call backs to fix something under warranty. Call backs and warranty claims are the fastest way for a contractor to go broke.

LE Johnson makes this newsletter possible. Did that register in your brain? They're my largest newsletter advertiser.

The team that owns LE Johnson loves you because you follow me and you read this newsletter. You REACT and engage when I ask you to.

You often buy the products I love. I love LE Johnson products - seriously.

You also need to know I only SAY THAT about products I truly love. There are many many products I do NOT love and that's why you never see them mentioned in my newsletters.

You may be one that LOVES to see the stunning photos of doors in homes all across the USA that are hung with LE Johnson hardware.

This Sunday is one of those days.

I'm going to provide you with some links to STUNNING doors and eye-popping decorating ideas.

I want you to look at those photos. I want you to play the fun game that I'm going to create to get my mind off this dreadful new GDPR regulation morass.

So HUMOR ME and discover WHY you should purchase LE Johnson hardware when you remodel or build your next new home.

WATCH for the game this Sunday. Take the time to LOOK at all the amazing photos.

If you want to continue to see this newsletter each week, then be SURE TO LOOK at the photos on Sunday and play the fun game.

Gravel Driveways Work

I've lived here in central New Hampshire for almost ten years. The anniversary is in two months!

We have lots of gravel roads here and they're durable!

Lady the Dog! CLICK TO SEE HER!

I know it sounds nuts, but a gravel driveway isn't the worst thing in the world.

CLICK HERE to see how to build one that lasts.

WAIT UNTIL you see the amazing videos on the page showing how a professional dump truck driver can spread gravel and you do virtually NO WORK!! WOW!!!!

That's enough for a Friday.

I sure hope you took the fast survey about the wretched GDPR regs I now have to follow that make it HARDER for me to stay in business.

CLICK HERE to take it.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Mad Crystal Scientist -
Happiness Comes in Waves Man -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post May 25, 2018 AsktheBuilder RANT appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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