Wednesday, September 12, 2018

September 11, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

New subscriber? Thanks for signing up. This issue is very unusual because of what's going on right now.

Subscriber of Record? You know every now and then, I issue WARNINGS.

Stain Solver SALE - Ends it HOURS!

First, and foremost this is a LAST CALL notice for the Labor Day Stain Solver sale. I got busy last weekend and failed to alert you.

The sale ENDS tonight at midnight. If you want Stain Solver, act immediately.

You get 10% off and FREE SHIPPING to any of the lower 48 states.

Promo code: LBRDAY18

CLICK HERE to place your order.

September 11th - Never Forget

Today is the grim 17th anniversary of the coordinated terrorist attack on the USA. Just under 3,000 of my fellow US citizens were sent to Heaven in a few hours.

For years I was drawn to the Flight 93 tragedy and wanted to visit the site of that crash. Two years ago, it happened. If you've never been to that hallowed and sacred ground in southern PA, I urge you to go.

I visited the Flight 93 site twice in ten days. The first time I was on the plaza just 150 feet from the crash site. I was by myself just after sunrise crying my eyes out reflecting on the bravery of the passengers and their resolve to live.

The front page of the September 12, 2001 edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer hangs in my office. It shows the second plane's fireball belching from the south tower of the World Trade center and the coal-black smoke of the first plane's aftermath streaming out of the north tower into the gorgeous cloudless sky.

911 Second Tower Hit

I have it up as a daily reminder that we're at war.

We're in a ongoing war with people who want to shred the US Constitution and impose their views and values onto you.

Never forget that we're still at war.

Don't believe me? Just read up about why the USS Constitution had to sail to the Mediterranean Sea!

Hurricane Florence - SERIOUS INLAND THREAT

Several years ago, I sent out a WARNING newsletter about Hurricane Sandy that pummeled New Jersey and New York.

Hurricane Florence is now aimed at South and North Carolina. It's going to be FAR WORSE than Hurricane Sandy.

I was able to visit Art's home a year or so after Sandy changed his life forever. He's a subscriber to this newsletter who survived Hurricane Sandy. His home had feet of water in it.

It appears the expert meteorologists all seem to agree that Florence is going to stall once she slams ashore.

This means vast amounts of rain are going to fall inland.

WARNING: You may have NEVER HAD WATER in your home before. But it can happen NOW.

If you have ANYTHING OF VALUE that's in a basement or ground floor, MOVE IT HIGHER.

If you live anywhere, even within a mile of a tiny harmless stream, your home could FLOOD. PREPARE NOW to save yourself, your pets, and ANYTHING that's valuable.

DO NOT WAIT until Thursday.

You're going to see historic river flood levels in SC, NC and possibly VA. You're going to see unbelievable videos of water RUSHING DOWN streets that have NEVER before been flooded.

Your home might be destroyed, or that of a friend or relative.

NOW IS THE TIME to make arrangements to SAVE ANYTHING of value.

How do I know this? I got hundreds of emails from Hurricane Harvey victims from last year in Houston. I got hundreds of emails from Hurricane Sandy survivors.

It's going to be HORRIBLE.

Springfield, MA Meet Up

That's enough for a somber Tuesday morning. Tomorrow, I'll be driving to Springfield, MA for a Lenox saw blade factory tour.

If you live in Springfield, MA and want to do a fast breakfast meet up on Thursday morning, I can make it happen. You need to email me ASAP to make arrangements.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Clean Man -
Happiness -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post September 11, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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