Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 16, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Are you a new subscriber? Welcome Aboard!

All other salts can get back to swabbing the decks and polishing the yardarms!

It's a Friday, and I've got a few stories for you. If you're a NEW subscriber, this is NOT my usual format, so hang in there.

New House Podcast Series

I've decided to create a massive new podcast series that follows the construction of my daughter's new home in Downeast Maine.

Here's the best part. I'm trying to keep each podcast to just five or six minutes. These are SHORT and highly focused on one thin slice of the project. I think you're going to really like them.

I recorded the first four and they'll be ready for you by Sunday. I'll send you the links to each one on Sunday morning.

Red Wine and the White Carpet

Thanksgiving is now less than a week away.

Kathy and I've been making Stain Solver for almost 23 years.

Stain Solver is a certified organic oxygen bleach that's color and fabric safe. It gets TOUGH stains out of just about anything that's water washable.

Many years ago, I received an email from a woman just after Thanksgiving. She wanted to tell me how Stain Solver has saved her holiday.

It turns out this woman had brand new white carpeting installed in her dining room a few days before a large crowd of friends was coming over for Thanksgiving.

Adult beverages were being served and one was red wine. I'm not a wine aficionado so I don't know if you serve white or red wine with turkey.

Food platters were being passed around the table and as would happen, one of the guests knocked over a full glass of red wine onto the new white carpet.

The guest gasped and was mortified.

She jumped up to try to blot the wine up but the homeowner said very calmly, "Oh Molly, sit back down and don't fret. Just eat your dinner. I've got Tim and Kathy's Stain Solver and I'll deal with that stain tomorrow."

I'm serious. That's a true story.

The woman went on to say that the next day our Stain Solver got out the dried red wine stain out of the carpet in just minutes. She said once the carpet dried you couldn't even tell anything had happened.

Stain Solver even gets out beet juice stains, cranberry stains, oily gravy stains from heirloom tablecloths, etc.

Frank - Mr. "Too Good To Be True"

Yesterday I did another phone consult. I've done more phone consults this week than I can ever remember.

Frank needed some advice about new vinyl siding. At the end of the consult, I asked him if he had any other questions.

"Well, I have a mold issue on the back of some wallpaper. Do I have to remove the drywall and do remediation?"

"I don't think so based on all you've told me. I'd just take off the wallpaper, mix up some of my Stain Solver and spritz the walls for about 2 hours off and on until the mildew and mold stains disappear."

Frank said, "What? Are you serious? I've been a subscriber of your newsletter for years and have always thought your stories about how it worked were too good to be true. Nothing could possibly work the way you describe."

I proceeded to show Frank my favorite all-time before and after photos to prove what Stain Solver can do. CLICK HERE, scroll down to see the photos and read Georgia's story.

Well after seeing those photos, Frank's about to become a life-long Stain Solver customer.

You should get some too so you're prepared for any Thanksgiving disasters.

Use the following promo code to get 10% off any purchase $29.00 or greater.


The T is for turkey and Thanksgiving, not Tim.

CLICK HERE to place your order for certified organic Stain Solver.

The sale ends in ONE WEEK.

I'm going to send a reminder to you on Sunday, but if you want the Stain Solver BEFORE Thursday, ORDER NOW.

By the way, I'm VERY thankful you're a subscriber. I value your friendship and trust.

That's enough for a Friday. I've got to go create the four new pages for the first four New House Podcast Series.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Stain Solver -
Radio Operator -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post November 16, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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