Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Did you just subscribe? WOOT! Welcome!

Did you subscribe many moons ago? Get ready once again for some information that's going to save you time and money.

The mad rush is on at my daughter and son-in-law's new home building site. You'll see the update from week three below. The footings are going in two days from now and then the foundation shortly after that.

I plan to drive up to Mt. Desert Island (MDI) on Sunday to be there on Monday and Tuesday.

Attic Condensation Phone Call

I had a quick phone call with Marvin about some water he saw on the nails that are exposed in his attic. What do you think is the best way to solve his problem?

It won't take you but a few minutes of your time to see if your solution matches the advice I gave to Marvin. CLICK HERE or the image just below to hear my advice.

I've got GREAT photos and VIDEOS at the above page so you can clearly see what's going on and what's in play.

Listen to Attic Condensation Podcast

Week Three of Meghan & Brent's New Home

Sometimes things don't happen as fast as one would like.

new home timeline
CLICK HERE to see photos, videos and text of what happened in week three up on MDI.

Christmas Stocking Stuffer - Magnify Things!

I'm trying to share all sorts of cool things I use around my home and not all are tools you might expect.

This week I tried to give you an inexpensive stocking stuffer, remember my goal was for each one to be $15 or less, but I failed.

This week's suggestion is a little more, but it's so worth it.

hastings triplet 10x

That 10X magnifier you see above is 42 years old! WOW! It's one of my treasured tools. I bought it as a geology student.

We were given two choices, a cheap one for $1. I'm serious, it was $1 in 1972. But I went for the more expensive Hastings Triplet which I think I spent $7 for.

If you like this idea for a stocking stuffer, realize you can BUY a cheaper one once you click my link. You'll see them on the landing page.

It's more than that now, but boy oh boy is it well made.

CLICK HERE to see it in action. I took a photo of a tiny part of my mom's College of Pharmacy lapel pin. You can get even better magnification if you hold the loupe up to your eye.

Do You Shop at

If so, do you realize you can help me keep this newsletter and alive by just using a link I provide to get you to Amazon?

Feel free to bookmark the link on your browser if that's easier.

I get a tiny commission from Amazon for everything you purchase. This does not cause you to pay more at

CLICK HERE to get the link so you can start to shop and help keep this newsletter alive and healthy.

THANKS SO MUCH for doing this for me.

Revised Columns of Great Interest

I think you're going to like these revised columns. Click the headline or the photo to see lots of great information.

Portable Kick-Butt Table Saw

portable table saw

Special Flagstone Mortar Mix

flagstone mortar

Solder Copper Pipe Tips

solder copper pipe

That's enough for today.

I've got a boatload of stuff to get done before I drive up to MDI.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Certified ORGANIC Cleaner -
Cool Waves -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post November 7, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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