Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 27, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Are you a brand-new subscriber? Thanks for your trust. If you've been here for some time, thanks for staying on board and opening each issue.

Memorial Day - My Dad

Today, May 27, 2019, we honor all those women and men who gave the ultimate sacrifice while in uniform so we can be free here in the great United States of America. While I can't be certain, I think this honor is extended to all those who died off the battlefield from injuries directly related to a war or any military service.

My dad was one of those. I shared the story about his WW II experience in a past newsletter. CLICK or TAP HERE to read it.

My dad had to be sent back to Heaven when I was pretty young. I was only 24 years old. I so wish he could still be here to see all that's happened. I know exactly what he'd say, but I can't type it here because he was quite profane when astonished.

You may have a loved one that died in battle or afterwards. I extend my deepest sympathy to you on this day. You and I are free and able to enjoy liberty because of their great sacrifice.

Great Vent Pipe

I recommend you watch this short video I recorded a little over a week ago up in my daughter's new home in Bar Harbor, Maine.

centrotherm innoflue

This polypropylene vent pipe is very easy to work with. It requires no glue or primer. You have all sort of time to adjust the fittings as a simple lubricant is used to join the pipes and fittings. See those metal clips? What are they?

CLICK or TAP HERE to see how easy this vent pipe is. Remember, it's FAR SAFER than traditional white PVC pipe.

Fence Post Secrets Revealed

Fence Posts
Are you charged with building a fence soon?

I URGE you to check out my past column on the topic. I guarantee it will save you lots of frustration.

CLICK or TAP HERE to get free access to secret tips discovered by me from years of methodical testing.

Floor Tile Grout Videos

Perhaps you're about to tackle a floor tile job. It might even be a wall tile job.

No matter, my four-part floor tile video series will allow you to achieve PERFECT grout joints that will not crack nor crumble.

grout floor tile

CLICK or TAP HERE to view the four videos. I believe you'll save tons of time and money.

If not, I want to know why.

Amazon and This Newsletter

Pat emailed me a few days ago. Here's what she asked:

"Tim - is there any way to verify you are getting the credit for my Amazon orders? I have placed a few lately thru a link you sent and wanted to be sure it is working as it is a bit more of a bother than the direct order process."

The quick answer to Pat's question is: NO. Amazon jealously guards your privacy and does not allow me to SEE who buys what.

I can see a daily report of what was bought, but not by whom.

Pat has been using a link on my website so I get a small affiliate fee for each thing she buys.

That revenue from Amazon HELPS keep this newsletter coming to you.

I'd appreciate it if you would BOOKMARK this page and use it each time you need to order.

Thanks so much, and yes, I realize it's a little bit of a bother.

Floor Trusses - WOW! So Many Advantages!

floor trusses
CLICK or TAP HERE to see a video showing the magic floor trusses used in my daughter and son-in-law's new home.

These things are the bomb! Think of all the advantages!!!!

That's quite enough for a holiday.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Certified Organic Cleaner -
Morse Man -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post May 27, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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