Monday, September 16, 2019

September 15, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Are you a new subscriber? I'm about to summon my fellow NH wizards and we're going to cast a protective spell on you and all your underwater allies. You'll be able to eat what you want for the next three days with no ill effects if all goes well.

If you've been here for a while, then you know what three cups of coffee does to me, right?

Fun and Games

What's that old saying? "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."

No, I didn't get hurt, but you're going to have some fun playing a game in a few minutes. The last few years, I've started a tradition at the end of summer here above the Equator.

About seven years ago, I discovered, quite by accident, that you love love love playing an adult game of digital hide and seek.

The best part is that you get to see stunning photos of what you can do in your own home with LE Johnson door suspension hardware.

I've installed LE Johnson pocket door and wall-mount door hardware for years. Just four months ago, I put in a converging set of LE Johnson pocket doors in my daughter's new home.

pocket door plywood

CLICK or TAP HERE now to see a short video about pocket doors reinforced with thick plywood. This allows you to hang heavy things on the pocket wall!

LE Johnson is the biggest sponsor at year in and year out. Over the years I've tried to cultivate relationships with the BEST companies.

I want you to be made aware of the great products I use and put in the homes of my kids and friends. It's all too easy to put junk in your home and I don't want that to happen.

You can HELP ME continue to SHARE GREAT PRODUCTS by playing the End-of-Summer LE Johnson door game.

I GUARANTEE you'll laugh no less than three times. If you don't then you can go to lunch with my wife Kathy as she almost never laughs at my jokes.

If you don't want to play the game, then I challenge you to just look at the following six photos and IMAGINE the question I might be asking you in the game. I'll bet you get the questions WRONG. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

You Can Hang Heavy Things on Pocket-Door Walls

Don't Cut Off Your Finger For Goodness Sakes!

A Gardener's Delight

Candles, Warm Water, Maybe Some Wine!

Oh, I'm So Hungry!

Are You Related to Detective Columbo?

Okay, do I have your interest now? I thought so.

CLICK or TAP HERE after clicking all six of those links above and see how good your eyes and cognitive skills are.

End World Hunger Idea!

I've got an idea that might end world hunger. It's baked, pun intended, into the game.

I'm curious if you feel the idea has any merit.

CLICK or TAP HERE and it will be obvious as to what the idea is.

Water Leaks and Artificial Stone

Look at this house in Oklahoma.

 artificial stone leaks


The homeowners did the installation of the artificial stone above. From what I can tell, they did an outstanding job.

But they made one very critical mistake and are now suffering. Can you guess what they did wrong?

CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you have home building super powers.

I'd say that's quite enough for a Sunday morning or evening if you're in Australia or Japan!

I'd LOVE to hear back from you what you thought about the LE Johnson game. Share with me what you think about the design possibilities of these doors and MORE IMPORTANTLY, let me know if you prefer to discover new products inside a game like this.

I'll leave you with this. What kind of rock do you think this is? That's a car no-key fob for scale.

rock with no-key fob

My college degree is in geology and I'm here to tell you this is a handsome rock in person. It's at a secret location that I'm not allowed to tell you about unfortunately.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Clean Corian Sinks! -
Pound Brass Oh Yes -

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. The Basic Structural Concepts eBook sale ENDS in 18 hours. CLICK or TAP HERE to get it now. It's 126 pages for goodness sakes! This is an INCREDIBLE DEAL you don't want to miss.

The post September 15, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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