Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 3, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

WELL, WELL, WELL! It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You’re a new subscriber and I’m so glad you’re here. I’ll do my best to help you save scads of time and money on all your home improvement projects. Did you know I listen to music when I compose this newsletter? Soon you will see all of your fears will pass away safe in my arms. Can you guess what song that’s from? CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to relax.

You and I, on the other hand, have been friends for who knows how many months or years? Let’s try to figure it out. Do you remember the video I shot showing how to identify a load-bearing wall? Can you guess how many years ago that was? CLICK or TAP HERE to read the column and be sure to watch the video!

The Day of the Kiln

Yesterday I had so much fun with my youngest daughter! She’s had an interest in pottery for at least eleven years. I’m quite sure it started in a class she took in high school. Over the years, she’s made some fantastic small objects. Here’s one I have in my office.
Kelly's Art Piece in Tim's Office

Two weeks ago she asked, “Dad, can you help me build a wood-fired kiln? I want to see if I can fire my own pottery. It's can be small if it works, then maybe we can build a bigger kiln.”

How could I turn down that request? What an exciting new project and one I’d never done before! I asked her to start to do some research - you’ll see why this is important soon - and at the same time, I jumped on YouTube to start to look for inspiration.

I quickly found a video and decided this method was worth trying. All of the materials I purchased can be reused in case it doesn’t work. But, after watching the video, it appears that success is guaranteed. CLICK or TAP HERE to watch the video.

Here’s the small kiln we built. I recorded a video and I’m creating an eBook with step-by-step photos showing how to build the kiln.
Kelly's Kiln

When I get the eBook complete, I’ll upload the video for you.

The Fun Quiz

You may be participating in the new one-question FUN QUIZ each issue. Oh my, I’m getting great feedback from you!

I know, I know, you could be one who’s not yet dipped yourself in the magic water of the quizzes. I can hear you saying, “Tim, WHAT’S in it for ME? Why should I take your silly quiz?”

Easy!!!! Here are a few reasons why you should take the quiz:

  • I guarantee you’ll LAUGH at some of the answers
  • There’s a good chance you’ll DISCOVER something new and interesting
  • You’ll be able to SHARE your new knowledge, impressing your friends & family
  • Your ego will get a BOOST when you find you answered the question correctly

This week’s quiz features an unusual word. You MUST REALLY read each answer closely and not skip over what may be the right one!

CLICK or TAP HERE for today's FUN one-question quiz. You'll be able to test the depth of your ignorance as Dr. Caster used to say!

CLICK or TAP HERE to see the quizzes you’ve missed out on!

Joe’s Free Standing Tree House

Joe, who lives in SC, sent me an amazing video two nights ago. He’s been working on this:
Joe's Free Standing Tree House

He’s at the point where all of a sudden he’s losing sleep worrying that the structure could collapse and seriously injure his son and his friends. He’s got GOOD REASON to worry as he made no less than four CRITICAL errors.

As I’ve often said, it’s SO IMPORTANT to do RESEARCH BEFORE you start a project! Joe didn’t do enough, OR he may have ended up at websites that offer up BAD ADVICE. You do know those are more plentiful than pieces of hay in a hay wagon on a cool autumn evening, right?

I emailed Joe as soon as I read his email to tell him the good news. First, I asked him to STOP WORKING and wait to listen to my podcast. Fortunately, Joe will discover that he doesn’t have to spend lots of money to make the structure safe.

You’ll be able to see his video and listen to my suggestions in the next issue of this newsletter. You’ll also see an example of one of the hundreds of hand-drawn diagrams I made giving sales presentations while sitting at dining room tables all those years ago.

I remember doing one for a kitchen remodel where I drew a quick revised floor plan and commented on the blue tile for the countertop. It was a superb choice.

Crawlspace Wall Insulation

Craig emailed me about a mess in his crawlspace. Look at this:
crawlspace wall insulation

He wanted to know how to STOP the insulation from falling down.

What would you suggest he do? Please type your suggestion as a COMMENT at the bottom of this page.

What do you think my solution was to cure Craig’s conundrum?

CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re RIGHT. Sit back and listen to what I had to say.

Cat Tongue Tape

I’ve been testing a very interesting grip tape for three months now. I wanted to really put it to the test before I told you about it.
Cat Tongue Tape on Cell

The results are in! CLICK or TAP HERE to see this new product, how I tested it, and what the results are.

I’m pretty certain you’ll be amazed.

That’s enough for a Sunday.

Today is build-dock-panels day here at my house. A wicked Nor’easter devoured and pulverized four of my cedar dock panels last year!

While I’m building the pre-stained cedar panels, my daughter will be stoking the new kiln! Wish her luck on her first firing.

Tim Carter
Supreme Commander -
BEST CLEANER on the Planet -
Generator of Cool Waves -

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. Wait, wait. I worry that you may have heard me say, “Get out your pressure washer to clean your deck.” What I said was, “Do NOT get out your pressure washer to clean your deck.” Do you understand? CLICK or TAP HERE to see why I’d NEVER EVER use one. You’ll see me wearing my firefighter’s helmet and bunker pants.

The post May 3, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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