Saturday, November 14, 2020

Veterans Families Serve Too

Veterans Families Serve Their Country Too - And Pay a Substantial Price

On November 11, 2020, I thanked all veterans who receive my FREE newsletter.

CLICK or TAP HERE to read what I had to say.

The next day, Gail from Indiana, wrote to me. I was completely unaware of veterans' families connected to active military members.

They had been invisible to me, and my guess is to you too.

Well, after reading what Gail shared, you'll be much more thankful to all veterans, and their families.

"Dear Tim,

This comes to you from beautiful Indiana, just west of your former home, Cincinnati.

I want to thank you for your thoughtful, heart-felt veterans' tribute. Something keeps crossing my mind lately when our military members receive appreciation. For instance, when giving a military discount at a "big box" store, the cashiers are trained to say,  "Thank you for your service." Lately, I find myself tempted to say, "The whole family served."

Our four kids, various dogs, cats and I trailed our Air Force dad/husband for nearly twenty-eight years. At the time, I didn't think anything of it. It was just our life; separations, relocating, new schools, churches, doctors, coaches, friends, etc.

One of our kids went to three different high schools. Two kids lived outside of America from grade school to graduation - they started college in culture shock. They had to count on someone to take them in when dorms closed over holidays. We didn't see our college kids for over a year. We could only fly them to join us for the summer.

Understand that I'm very grateful for our broad travel and experiences. And for the most part, so are our children. But they wonder what it would be like to be attached to people and places. They have no history anywhere, no childhood friends, and still do not have a sense of permanence.

So now,  after the fact, I appreciate that the whole family of military personnel serves in a very special way.

If you had time to slog through this whole email, I am amazed. But since you are here, at the end, thank you for your columns which I refer to regularly. I've sent friends to your site and I love Stain Solver!

I'm just another one of those people you've never met but think of you as a friend.

God bless you!"


I responded to Gail thanking her and asked her permission to share her thoughts with you. She graciously said "Yes." She also said,


I was amazed to hear from you and twice as amazed it was so quick.

You're welcome to include my note in the Sunday newsletter. "Gail from Indiana" is fine to identify me. I am sure other military families will identify/relate. Those who aren't cannot fully grasp it.

It's interesting to look back and wonder how I managed it all! Saying "relocating" hardly captures the details of that process. Finding a good house in a good school district, the church search, and all the details of getting the family situated, losing their accents (yes), and on and on!

I said I wasn't "Home" until I had a good dentist, church, and hairstylist. (The stylist was critical because I'd lose hair from the stress of moving!)

Don't know why I was prompted to be so reflective by your tribute. Probably the political situation. Anyway, it's fun to make personal contact with you. Thanks for giving me a sympathetic ear!

All the best,"


The post Veterans Families Serve Too appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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