Thursday, December 10, 2020

December 9, 2020 AsktheBuilder Revised Columns

Here's your mid-week dose of recently revised columns.

There are some jaw-dropping videos in several.

Once again, I URGE you to, at the VERY LEAST, click and just scan the columns.

This way, when you eventually do have the problem your tiny gray cells will remind you that I have life preservers to throw at you from!

I can also throw you chocolate-covered doughnuts! Yummy!!!

Remember, are you doing Christmas Shopping at Amazon?

CLICK or TAP HERE to use my affiliate link. It's so easy and it costs you zilch.

"Tim, WHY do you want me to use your affiliate link? What's in it for ME?"

You using the affiliate link helps keep the lights on here at It helps pay the server fees. It allows you to get FREE CONTENT.

Those are just a few of the reasons.

Here's another reminder for you.

I have a LINK TO AMAZON in EVERY ISSUE of this newsletter. See it to the right? (Editor: It's to the right in the emailed Newsletter. It is shown below here.) It's this ad:
Help Grow Shop At Amazon
So SAVE a few issues of this newsletter in your email program and just before going to Amazon, open up an issue, locate the ad, and CLICK the ad for goodness sake.

Top Tips for Long-Lasting Concrete

Change Orders - Death on a Stick!

Why Your Roof Leaks

Preventing Mold in New Homes

Have you ever thought about why magenta is such an attractive color?

I'll be back on Sunday with lots of goodies for you.

Tim Carter
Founder -
BEST Darned Organic Cleaner -
Scary 60 Meters -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post December 9, 2020 AsktheBuilder Revised Columns appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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