Friday, March 5, 2021

February 28. 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Flat Screen - Frost - My Latest Book

At some point in the past, my guess is a friend or family member of yours said, “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” as you traipsed into a room. You know they were happy to see you, but they wanted to mix it up with some fun. I’m thinking you’re a new subscriber and this being your first issue, I don’t know you well enough to pull that off. But maaaaaaybe one day I’ll be able to!

You, however, could be an honored subscriber in good standing.You remember just last week when I shared the column about my modulating boiler. It’s quite possible you skipped over it for any number of reasons.

Look at how SMALL it is! It's about the size of a piece of checked luggage, yet it can heat a four-bedroom home AND provide unlimited hot water for showers, baths, dishwashing, etc.

 state combi boiler

It was Bad form for you to skip over it!

But you get another chance.

Why was that column important? Old boilers and furnaces work much like a bottle rocket you might light on the 4th of July. When the fuse ignites the fuel in the tiny object, it’s full ON and the rocket flies up into the air. Just before you lit the fuse, the rocket was in the full OFF position.

A modulating furnace or boiler works much like the burners on your electric or gas stove. You can ADJUST the temperature/flame of a burner depending on how much heat you need to cook.

With a modulating boiler or furnace, the computer within the appliance supplies only enough fuel to the burner to meet the demand for heat at that point in time.

Can you see how a modulating burner in a boiler or furnace can save you money while heating your home?

When you click or tap my links your tiny gray cells will thank you and you’ll save money too!

My Latest Book

I’ve only a few more chapters to read in the first book in A Game of Thrones five-book series. It’s a fascinating saga and no doubt I’m going to read the rest of the series.

This book was a homework assignment given to me by my son for a secret project I’m about to start. You’ll hear more about me eating this hush-hush elephant one bite at a time in the future.

cersei lannister game of thrones

Holy tomato! I’m not going to share what happened two nights ago as I was reading the book before stepping up into the last train to Sleepland, but I was stunned the author would employ this drastic plot twist.

This stunning surprise in the book was foreshadowed earlier when Cersei came down to the garden to meet with Lord Ned Stark.

Listen closely to what she says at the end of this video clip. I’d hate to be in the room when Cersei wakes up on the wrong side of the bed!

Preventable Texas Misery

Do you live in Texas or anyplace that was recently hammered by bitter cold temperatures? The weather two weeks ago caused mayhem and MILLIONS of dollars of PREVENTABLE damage. I mentioned this in last week’s newsletter.

After writing that piece, my brain wouldn’t let go. I was deeply troubled for days.

The pain was released when I decided to dedicate my national column last Monday to the debacle - or what I feel is one.

I BEG OF YOU to CLICK or TAP HERE and do whatever you can to PASS THE URL along to all your friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, etc. to help PREVENT misery and wasted money in the future.

What’s in it for you when you click the above link?

First, you’re going to discover HOW EASY IT IS to drain down your water lines so the water doesn’t FREEZE and BURST the pipes.

Then you’re going to see the EXACT WAY you should install a main water shutoff valve so that you can still have WATER when the temperature is falling FAST in your home!

Earl and the Lone Ranger

I thought you’d be fascinated by a reply I received from Earl after he watched the video about Jay Thomas’s encounter with the Lone Ranger, I shared last week.

It turns out Earl also got to meet the Lone Ranger. He was in the sixth grade in 1960 at Oxford Elementary School in Dearborn, Michigan.

“Tim, when I was in the 6th grade and a safety boy, the Lone Ranger visited our school with a pink Cadillac and his horse Silver in a trailer. My job was to hold the reins of Silver while he addressed the students who were sitting in the play area behind the school. I was very honored to do this. Sincerely, Earl”

How cool is that? To be the person who held Silver’s reins!!!!

You may have taken the short quiz after watching the Jay Thomas video. Here’s a snapshot of the results that might be of great interest to you:

Lone Ranger Story Quiz Results

Free Advice & Bids

Are you in need of free advice and BIDS for work from LOCAL contractors? CLICK OR TAP the following links and let me know how quickly you get contacted. I'll bet it's fast.











WINDOW REPLACEMENT - BRRRR, are yours drafty?

CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE BIDS from local contractors for ANY PROJECT.

Flat Screen TV Frame Ideas

Please look at this photo of a window:

flat screen tv frame ideas
HAH! Tricked you! That’s NOT a window, it’s a flat-screen TV.

CLICK or TAP HERE to discover what Russ and Ann did in their den.

How many flat-screen TVs do you think are in the room? I’ll BET you’re WRONG!


Last week, I shared a brief story about a subscriber named Peach.

We all have talents, and I’ve decided to do my best to turn the spotlight on yours by showcasing subscriber’s websites. This week it’s Peaches’s turn. Just look at what she can do!

oil painting river horses boy on raft

Oil painting - River Horses Boy on Raft - Peach McComb

CLICK or TAP HERE to see more of Peach’s work. In addition to doing her own art, she offers classes. I desperately need ten or twenty classes, especially in watercolor. A trip to the land of BBQ and country music could be in my future.

Do you have a hobby or small business website of your own? Do you want me to feature it in this newsletter ? CLICK or TAP HERE and fill out the short form for goodness sake. You could be next in the spotlight.

Last Call

Are you afraid of anything? I’m not a big fan of serpents and I’m slowly losing my nerve when it comes to high places. Other than that, I’d say I’m pretty brave.

I’d like you to watch a short video of a child facing fear - deep fear. WAIT for it at the end. You may have the same reaction when you KICK YOUR FEAR to the CURB.

Seriously, it's time for you to start dealing with your fear. It could be ruining your life.

Spring is Soon Going to be Sprung

Spring is coming to New Hampshire. Can you believe tomorrow is March 1st? Holy cow!

The town road agents are about to post the roads. That’s a sure sign we’re getting close. Heavy trucks are prohibited from many side roads. My town has a 6-ton weight limit.

Here's why. The roads become spongy as the deep frost begins to thaw. Trucks can pulverize the fragile asphalt paving because the soil between the asphalt and still-frozen ground below the thawed mush is like soft marshmallows.

NH Road Weight Limit Traffic Sign

That’s plenty for a Sunday.

Tim Carter
Founder -
Best Organic Cleaner -
New Adventure Begali Boy -

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. Do you struggle with hard water stains? CLICK or TAP HERE to see how EASY it is to remove them. BE SURE TO LOOK at the Before/After photos sent in by Saskia at the bottom of the column!

The post February 28. 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via builders feed

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